A Man Claims to Have Not Eaten or Drank Any Liquids For 70 Years. Science Examines Him | Collective-Evolution
A Man Claims to Have Not Eaten or Drank Any Liquids For 70 Years. Science Examines Him
by Joe Martino

Prahlad Jani is a local to the Indian city of Ahmedabad and is claiming he has not consumed any food or liquids since he was 8-years old. He also claims to have been blessed at the age of 8 by a goddess. This allows him to survive without sustenance except for that which he derives from the practice of meditation.
From April 22nd until May 6th 2010 in the private hospital Sterling Hospital, Prahlad Jani was observed and tested by Sudhir Shah and a team of 35 researchers all from the Indian Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences (DIPAS) and other organizations.
The large team studied Jani daily using clinical examinations, blood tests, and scans. 24 hour CCTV surveillance was used to ensure the maximum observation of Jani’s actions during the testing period. According to researchers, the only time Jani was taken out of his sealed room was for tests and exposure to sun. During these times, continuous video recording was done to ensure authenticity of results. Jani only had contact with any form of liquid when he had an occasional bathing session, which first took place on day 5, and when he would gargle some water. It is important to note that his toilet was sealed to test his claims that he did not urinate or defecate.
After the fifteen days of intensive observation during which Jani did not eat, drink or go to the toilet, all medical test results came back as normal and doctors described his health as being better than someone half his age. Interestingly, doctors reported that although the amount of liquid in Jani’s bladder fluctuated and that Jani appeared “able to generate urine in his bladder”, he did not pass any urine. The reported levels of Jani’ leptin and ghrelin, two appetite-related hormones, suggested that Jani may be demonstrating an extreme form of adaptation to starvation and water restriction.
Even after the 15 day examination, DIPAS is still interested in running tests on Jani to determine how metabolic waste material is eliminated from his body, where he gets his energy for sustenance, and how he maintains his hydration status.
The director of DIPAS believes that the results of Jani’s observations could “tremendously benefit mankind.” Professor Anil Gupta of SRISTI, involved in monitoring the tests, described the team as being “intrigued” by Jani’s kriyas apparently allowing him to control his body’s physiological functions.
Most people can live without food for several weeks, with the body drawing on its fat and protein stores. But the average human can survive for only three to four days without water. How is Jani able to achieve what he is achieving? Some believe that his access to bathing allowed him to store liquid in the body. Since the observation did not go on for longer than 15 days, some believe he might have eaten or drank after.
But Jani is not the first person to be tested with such claims. HRM, another Indian man, was tested for 411 days intensively after he claimed that he did not eat any food. While HRM did consume boiled water, during his 411 day observation it was confirmed that he did not eat during the period and yet his health was perfect.
To me this is exciting because regardless of the current science we accept when it comes to the physiology of the body, we are seeing that we may not have it all correct and that it is possible to change the consciousness of our body to operate differently. Having tried sungazing for several long periods myself, I can attest to the fact that you certainly get energy, and what feels like nutrient energy, from the sun alone. While sungazing, I found I could perform physical activity with much more energy than I could while eating healthy meals. Of course I cannot say my results are conclusive as I did not do them for long enough, but it’s my experience on the matter.
Here is more on Jani’s tests.
About the author
Joe Martino
Hey! You are currently engaged in what I'm passionate about, Collective Evolution. I created CE 4 years ago and have been heavily at it since. I love inspiring others to make change and am excited to play an active role in making this all happen. I've been researching much of the content I share for about 7 years and apply the same wisdom I share to others to my own life. Hands down the only other thing I am this passionate about is baseball. Feel free to email me at joe@collective-evolution.com
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Kopimism is
based on a few basic axioms, which in turn can be traced back to our
strong defense of the intrinsic value of information, We ascribe this
value to all information irrespective of its content. Since information
and its intrinsic value are so sacred, Kopimists recognize the following
Copying of information is ethically right.
Dissemination of information is ethically right.
Copymixing (copying and/or remixing) is a sacred kind of copying, more so than the perfect digital copying, because it expands and enhances the existing wealth of information.
Copying or remixing information communicated by another person is seen as an act of respect and a strong expression of acceptance and Kopimistic faith.
The Internet is holy.
Code is law.
You do not need to change anything when becoming a kopimist. Stay believing in whatever you believe in, whether it is in God, Jesus, Moses, Muhammad or anyone else. We are not a religion that provides "all" the morality a person needs. Your morals come from you and/or whatever God you believe in.
Copying is a sacred activity. Copying accurate knowledge, in a variety of formats, for the purposes of education helps the world. My ideal future is one where I own a library of all the books ever written that anyone, poor or rich, can access at the push of a button for no cost.
It is important to note that, I personally believe that knowledge is sacred. The ability to reproduce the information one possesses is sacred.
Copying of information is ethically right.
Dissemination of information is ethically right.
Copymixing (copying and/or remixing) is a sacred kind of copying, more so than the perfect digital copying, because it expands and enhances the existing wealth of information.
Copying or remixing information communicated by another person is seen as an act of respect and a strong expression of acceptance and Kopimistic faith.
The Internet is holy.
Code is law.
You do not need to change anything when becoming a kopimist. Stay believing in whatever you believe in, whether it is in God, Jesus, Moses, Muhammad or anyone else. We are not a religion that provides "all" the morality a person needs. Your morals come from you and/or whatever God you believe in.
Copying is a sacred activity. Copying accurate knowledge, in a variety of formats, for the purposes of education helps the world. My ideal future is one where I own a library of all the books ever written that anyone, poor or rich, can access at the push of a button for no cost.
It is important to note that, I personally believe that knowledge is sacred. The ability to reproduce the information one possesses is sacred.
If you are thinking of joining the
temple/church, you should read our values, as well as the first half of
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mission of the temple/church and the values we hold sacred, you can
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formalize your membership with the temple/church, first you should copy
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Worship through meditation is sufficient to be considered part of the Kopimist community. A person who identifies with our philosophy, whether formally registered with the Temple/Church of Kopimism or not, is considered a Kopimist.
Kopimism is based on a few basic axioms, which in turn can be traced back to our strong defense of the intrinsic value of information, We ascribe this value to all information irrespective of its content. Since information and its intrinsic value are so sacred, Kopimists recognize the following axioms:
Copying of information is ethically right.
Dissemination of information is ethically right.
Copymixing (copying and/or remixing) is a sacred kind of copying, more so than the perfect digital copying, because it expands and enhances the existing wealth of information.
Copying or remixing information communicated by another person is seen as an act of respect and a strong expression of acceptance and Kopimistic faith.
The Internet is holy.
Code is law.
You do not need to change anything when becoming a kopimist. Stay believing in whatever you believe in, whether it is in God, Jesus, Moses, Muhammad or anyone else. We are not a religion that provides "all" the morality a person needs. Your morals come from you and/or whatever God you believe in.
Copying is a sacred activity. Copying accurate knowledge, in a variety of formats, for the purposes of education helps the world. My ideal future is one where I own a library of all the books ever written that anyone, poor or rich, can access at the push of a button for no cost.
It is important to note that, I personally believe that knowledge is sacred. The ability to reproduce the information one possesses is sacred.
Kopimism is a religion, one might even define it as a cause. Like most religions, Kopimism is against stealing. With respect to information, Kopimism disagrees with many copyright holders usage of the word "stealing". We wish for the creators of content to receive due credit for the information they create, as is done in academia. We also believe that creators and owners of content have the right to sell their content.
Kopimists are interested in everyone's sacred right to reproduce and distribute information. Copyrighted content, or patents, conflict with these beliefs. These legal instruments, when applied to content or invention, insist that information, digital or tangible, cannot be copied or distributed respectively.
Our issue with content owners occurs once a copy of the content is distributed to the user. We believe that this copy, once in the users possession, belongs to the user and that the user can copy and distribute this information at his or her discretion (with due credit where credit applies). An example of this would be a recipe in a cook book. Say there is a cook book for sale at a book store and someone sees a recipe on page 8. Kopimists believe that the reader of the book does not need to get permission from the author of the book to give this recipe to a friend. Furthermore, if my grandmother has an old family recipe that is exactly the same as a recipe on page 11 in the same book, a kopimist does not believe my grandmother would be guilty of copyright/patent infringement.
Kopimism also takes issue with many things that are copyrighted. We do not believe that the number one can be copyrighted, or the number two, ad nauseum. Most people inherently believe the same about all numbers, or even mathematics, when presented to them in this way. This Kopimist belief causes issue with owners of digital content. All digital content, i.e., mp3s, pdf's, avi's, etc, exist on a computer as a single integer. You could give me a digital copy of any file such as an mp3 of Mozart's Cello Sonata in D Major performed by Yo Yo Ma, and I could show you a single number, in a text editor or on paper, that would be considered protected by the copyright holder of Yo Yo Ma's music. Any digital file can be converted back and forth to its corresponding integer. Furthermore there are many integers, hundreds of thousands, that your computer would read as Yo Yo Ma's music.
In short, many digital content owners believe that a number can be owned. Even though Kopimists believe that information, i.e., personal information, can be keep secret and that authors have the right to sell the books they write, we fundamentally disagree that this type of (digital) ownership can be held over the integers.
Worship through meditation is sufficient to be considered part of the Kopimist community. A person who identifies with our philosophy, whether formally registered with the Temple/Church of Kopimism or not, is considered a Kopimist.
Kopimism is based on a few basic axioms, which in turn can be traced back to our strong defense of the intrinsic value of information, We ascribe this value to all information irrespective of its content. Since information and its intrinsic value are so sacred, Kopimists recognize the following axioms:
Copying of information is ethically right.
Dissemination of information is ethically right.
Copymixing (copying and/or remixing) is a sacred kind of copying, more so than the perfect digital copying, because it expands and enhances the existing wealth of information.
Copying or remixing information communicated by another person is seen as an act of respect and a strong expression of acceptance and Kopimistic faith.
The Internet is holy.
Code is law.
You do not need to change anything when becoming a kopimist. Stay believing in whatever you believe in, whether it is in God, Jesus, Moses, Muhammad or anyone else. We are not a religion that provides "all" the morality a person needs. Your morals come from you and/or whatever God you believe in.
Copying is a sacred activity. Copying accurate knowledge, in a variety of formats, for the purposes of education helps the world. My ideal future is one where I own a library of all the books ever written that anyone, poor or rich, can access at the push of a button for no cost.
It is important to note that, I personally believe that knowledge is sacred. The ability to reproduce the information one possesses is sacred.
Kopimism is a religion, one might even define it as a cause. Like most religions, Kopimism is against stealing. With respect to information, Kopimism disagrees with many copyright holders usage of the word "stealing". We wish for the creators of content to receive due credit for the information they create, as is done in academia. We also believe that creators and owners of content have the right to sell their content.
Kopimists are interested in everyone's sacred right to reproduce and distribute information. Copyrighted content, or patents, conflict with these beliefs. These legal instruments, when applied to content or invention, insist that information, digital or tangible, cannot be copied or distributed respectively.
Our issue with content owners occurs once a copy of the content is distributed to the user. We believe that this copy, once in the users possession, belongs to the user and that the user can copy and distribute this information at his or her discretion (with due credit where credit applies). An example of this would be a recipe in a cook book. Say there is a cook book for sale at a book store and someone sees a recipe on page 8. Kopimists believe that the reader of the book does not need to get permission from the author of the book to give this recipe to a friend. Furthermore, if my grandmother has an old family recipe that is exactly the same as a recipe on page 11 in the same book, a kopimist does not believe my grandmother would be guilty of copyright/patent infringement.
Kopimism also takes issue with many things that are copyrighted. We do not believe that the number one can be copyrighted, or the number two, ad nauseum. Most people inherently believe the same about all numbers, or even mathematics, when presented to them in this way. This Kopimist belief causes issue with owners of digital content. All digital content, i.e., mp3s, pdf's, avi's, etc, exist on a computer as a single integer. You could give me a digital copy of any file such as an mp3 of Mozart's Cello Sonata in D Major performed by Yo Yo Ma, and I could show you a single number, in a text editor or on paper, that would be considered protected by the copyright holder of Yo Yo Ma's music. Any digital file can be converted back and forth to its corresponding integer. Furthermore there are many integers, hundreds of thousands, that your computer would read as Yo Yo Ma's music.
In short, many digital content owners believe that a number can be owned. Even though Kopimists believe that information, i.e., personal information, can be keep secret and that authors have the right to sell the books they write, we fundamentally disagree that this type of (digital) ownership can be held over the integers.

בית כנסת Kopimists,
ישראל קופומיזם,
שיתוף קבצים
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listen share copy paste seed ! thx

The alarmed critics of the Ritalin disaster are now getting support from an entirely different side. The German weekly Der Spiegel quoted in its cover story on 2 February 2012 the US American psychiatrist Leon Eisenberg, born in 1922 as the son of Russian Jewish immigrants, who was the “scientific father of ADHD” and who said at the age of 87, seven months before his death in his last interview: “ADHD is a prime example of a fictitious disease”
Since 1968, however, some 40 years, Leon Eisenberg’s “disease” haunted the diagnostic and statistical manuals, first as “hyperkinetic reaction of childhood”, now called “ADHD”. The use of ADHD medications in Germany rose in only eighteen years from 34 kg (in 1993) to a record of no less than 1760 kg (in 2011) – which is a 51-fold increase in sales! In the United States every tenth boy among ten year-olds already swallows an ADHD medication on a daily basis. With an increasing tendency.
When it comes to the proven repertoire of Edward Bernays, the father of propaganda, to sell the First World War to his people with the help of his uncle’s psychoanalysis and to distort science and the faith in science to increase profits of the industry – what about investigating on whose behalf the “scientific father of ADHD” conducted science? His career was remarkably steep, and his “fictitious disease” led to the best sales increases. And after all, he served in the “Committee for DSM V and ICD XII, American Psychiatric Association” from 2006 to 2009. After all, Leon Eisenberg received “the Ruane Prize for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Research. He has been a leader in child psychiatry for more than 40 years through his work in pharmacological trials, research, teaching, and social policy and for his theories of autism and social medicine”.

The task of psychologists, educators and doctors is not to put children on the “chemical lead” because the entire society cannot handle the products of its misguided theories of man and raising children, and instead hands over our children to the free pharmaceutical market. Let us return to the basic matter of personal psychology and education: The child is to acquire personal responsibility and emphatic behavior under expert guidance – and that takes the family and the school: In these fields, the child should be able to lead off mentally. This constitutes the core of the human person.
ADHD, Ritalin, Leon Eisenberg, fictitious disease, pharmacological, social medicine, Corruption, Disturbed Physicians, Doctor, Fraud, Psychiatry, Poison,
live pirate kopimi radio broadcast
http://www.pirateradionetwork.com/ MIXED FORMAT KOPIMI RADIO OR WEBCAST ... THANKS !!! LISTEN PLEASE SKYPE requests MAZANGA7.62 HELL ILL EVEN TALK IF YA WANT AND ANSWER ALL YOUR QUESTIONS ... thanks .. comments welcome also get the player net bcast sux ass sry its all free n its the only way i can broadcast !
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https://www.facebook.com/mazanga or message me
https://www.facebook.com/mazanga or message me
*YOUR NAME HERE* can send messages and create posts as the Page, create adverts and view insights.
blogs associated with different topics,
*YOUR NAME HERE* can send messages and create posts as the Page, create adverts and view insights.
blogs associated with different topics,
art, pix, thoughts, edit, facebook, myspace, wanted,.jpg, Anarchist, Anonymous, Anti-Government, Blog Hijack, Civil Liberties, Civil rights, Debunk, Depleted Texas Lakes Expose, Deception, Democracy, Demonstration, Document, Ebook, abstracts, Government Lies, Human Rights, Hunger, kopimism, kopimi, Letter, Lessons, mazanga, Physics, Police State, Propaganda, protests, Secret Government, Secret War, State-Sponsored Terrorists, Thinking, Traitor, Truth, Twitter, Violations, War, You Tube,
i would like to add authors! any one that has anything important to post or inform the public is more than welcome. the blog is not like facebook slam n run.... thx !

Civil rights,
Content Creators,
Human Rights,
You Tube
Blogger Blogs Redirecting To "blogspot - ping . com"
Friday, October 26, 2012
Blogger Blogs Redirecting To "blogspot - ping . com"
My blogs are redirecting auto to ping . blogspot - ping . com", can anybody tell me how to fix this?The malicious redirecting appears to be cause by a small snippet of JavaScript code - which has been installed, in most cases, as template HTML. Alternatively, some blog owners have added separate HTML / JavaScript gadgets, to host this code.
It's easy enough to identify - not so easy to remove, as some owners have found. In many cases, we are seeing reports that even when directly accessing the Layout wizard or Template Editor, the malicious code activates, and redirects the blog owner's browser.
Since the redirect is running from a snippet of JavaScript code, blocking the malicious code will prevent the redirection, and allow corrective access to the Layout wizard or Template Editor.
<script src='http : // ping . blogspot - ping . com / ping . js' type='text/javascript'></script>Whichever GUI wizard you use to remove the code, remember to clear cache and restart the browser after removal and before testing for success.
Since I routinely - and consistently - use Firefox with NoScript to browse, I was able to access one victim blog without the redirection occurring, view the blog source, and extract the above code. If you use NoScript, you (the blog owner) should be likewise able to access your dashboard, and the Template Editor, and remove the bogie.
Please note that the code snippet, excerpted above, has extra spaces inserted into the URLs, to prevent advertising of the actual hijacking domain.
Anybody who knows where this bogie originated, and how it was deviously conned upon the blog owners, can help a lot of people by identifying the origin. Only when this is done, can we try to prevent the problem - rather than advise how to remove the problem.
First, install the popular Mozilla browser, Firefox. Having added Firefox, install the add-on NoScript. NoScript uses a Unix level security policy.
Deny by default, permit by exception.Keep in mind the different trust levels of Blogger and BlogSpot - with NoScript, you will have to allow Blogger, yet forbid BlogSpot. Code from unknown domains, such as "blogspot - ping . com", will not run on any NoScript protected computer - unless you, intentionally, enable it. Knowing the threat from this bogie, you will hopefully choose to not enable this domain.

Blog Hijack,
Blog Security,
Template Editor
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